Call for participants: Long-Term Training Course for Youth Workers on Access to Social Rights for Young People

Youth Partnership

Organized by the CoEResidential seminar: 11 – 21 March 2013,Strasbourg/ Project development and learning: April 2013 – June 2014 Evaluation seminar: 2014Youth Department of the Council of Europe is launching a Long-Term Training Course (LTTC) “Enter!” for youth workers. It aims at promoting access to social rights for young people, in particular of those exposed to social exclusion, discrimination and violence.This project offers youth workers who undertake activities with young people that experience disadvantage the opportunity:to gain insights into how the European level and engagement with policy actors can support their efforts to empower young people, and,to promote access to social rights for young people, in an effort of overcoming the disadvantage young people face due to exclusion, violence and discrimination.The LTTC will develop the competences of 30 youth workers, in developing and implementing responses, projects and partnerships in support of youth-led efforts to overcome discrimination, exclusion and violence, in a European perspective.The first seminar of the course will be organised in March, 11 – 21,2013 inStrasbourg.An enrolment fee of 60 Euros is payable by each participant.Deadline to apply: 20 December 2012– For more information see attached file (link “Enter LTTC” in allegato) and download the Applcation forms


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