Dalla Norvegia a Lampedusa. Grazie alla Croce Rossa

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L’equipaggio della nave norvegese Bourbon Orca ha ottenuto l’Annette Thommessen Memorial Prize per il 2015, un premio organizzato dalla omonima fondazione e destinato a chi si è distinti per le operazioni di soccorso in mare.

Nell’autunno del 2014, l’equipaggio della Bourbon Orca  ha tratto in salvo 1.900 persone dall’annegamento al largo delle coste della Libia; la nave ha inoltre assistito la guardia costiera italiana a prendere vittime.

L’equipaggio ha deciso di dare il premio in denaro – pari a circa 2.000 euro – alla Croce Rossa Italiana, che opera per salvare le vite delle persone migranti.

D’accordo con il Presidente RegionaleC.R.I.della Sicilia, il Presidente Nazionale ha deciso di devolvere la somma per le attività della SedeC.R.I.di Lampedusa e Linosa, per il sostegno delle attività di assistenza umanitaria alle persone migranti.

Il messaggio di ringraziamento della Croce Rossa Italiana è stato letto, durante la cerimonia di consegna, tenutasi il 20 maggio 2015, dal un componente del Comitato Centrale della Croce Rossa Norvegese. Se ne riportano di seguito alcuni passaggi: “The Mediterranean is a sea of ​​migration. In the middle of that sea is located Lampedusa, place that has always been a meeting point for those people who run away and people who are attached to their piece of land. All at sea. Full of hopes, fears, emotions, strengths, Lampedusa is the symbol of a difficult events, sometimes cruel, sometimes noble. Citizens of Lampedusa, in this tormented journey, after winning resistance and mistrust, have eventually chosen the noble size: accepting and giving first aid, gesture recognition, women, men and children in search of a future. At some point those migrants who have arrived in Lampedusa were more numerous than the habitants.Citizen of Lampedusa work for the defense of fundamental human rights of individuals, groups and communities, with particular attention to the rights of the most vulnerable people and victims of violence, forced migration, persecution and serious exploitation. Most of them has became volunteers of Red Cross embracing the red cross value of Humanity and  spending their time to welcome and protect  people from different countries with different cultures, languages and background.For this reason I would like to dedicate this award to People of Lampedusa. The Italian Red Cross has decided to spend this financial present to buy a kit of basic items for migrants when they land as drink, food, hygiene items, slippers and basic medical supplies. It will be very useful for them especially because they have experience of long and difficult journey, they are exposed to stress and  fair. So when they arrive they necessary need of basic items of care as first help.Thank you again for this Award.”



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