Il Comitato Provinciale di Potenza Organizza un Corso Monitori

Il Comitato Provinciale di Potenza sta raccogliendo le adesioni per l’organizzazione di un corso per Monitori di Primo Soccorso, che avrà inizio nelle prossime settimane e si svolgerà presso la sede del Comitato Provinciale in Via Parco Sant’Antonio 25 a Potenza. 

Quanti fossero interessati possono contattare ENTRO E NON OLTRE IL 9 MARZO p.v. la Responsabile alla Formazione del Comitato Provinciale Katia Larocca all’indirizzo e-mail indicando un recapito telefonico, un indirizzo e-mail ed il comitato di appartenenza oppure compilando il seguente form:

NBI campi contrassegnati da asterisco (*) sono obbligatori.


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In compliance with Articles 13 and 14 of the Reg.EU 2016/679 any information connected to this e-mail service is dealt by the Central Committee of the Italian Red Cross in Rome and is treated only by Processors and authorized Offices’ personnel. Data cannot be disclosed nor communicated unless strictly required for a specific service.The optional, clear and voluntary contact by email to the electronic addresses indicated on this website determine the acquisition of sender e-mail address and other personal information included in the communication necessary for an answer to requests. The user is free to provide the personal data required in the forms and the miscommunication may result in a lack of an answer to the request.
All information is treated  with automated software for the strictly required timeframe. All data is secured to avoid any improper, incorrect or illegal use.
All those whom the data refers to may at any time claim their right to access data as stated in articles 15-21 of the Reg.EU 2016/679. The request must be sent to following address:
Detailed and complete information on the privacy policy is available for the services provided on the website:

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